
Monday 7 December 2015

Nelson Mandela

Nelson Mandela

Q1: What is the meaning of apartheid?
A1: Apartheid means a system of government, used to keep people of different races apart.

Q2: Which parts of the text provide clues that the information is factual, rather than the author’s opinion?
A2: That Nelson Mandela was a civil rights leader, Vo thi Sau was a Vietnamese Heroine, Kalkadoons were an australian Aboriginal clan, Gandhi was non-violent, and the australian shearers union strike

Q3: Why would there be less work for shearers during times of drought?
A3: Shearers would have less work because the wool has only grown a bit. Because when it’s summer there should be a lot of wool on the sheep. It would also be uncomfortable for the sheep in spring time.

By: Losaline


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